SMS de verificare pentru 469-771-xxxx .

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2018-10-09 08:42:16 469-771-xxxx I'm not insecure bitch I'm angry
2018-10-09 08:45:20 469-771-xxxx Lmao call me whore
2018-10-09 08:45:39 469-771-xxxx I get ZERO attention and don't want it
2018-10-09 08:46:02 469-771-xxxx I want somebody to see me as a women who is hurting and needs compassion I'm angry and am allowed to be
2018-10-09 08:46:08 469-771-xxxx Lmao
2018-10-09 08:46:12 469-771-xxxx Call me whore
2018-10-09 08:47:09 469-771-xxxx Pussyyyyyyy
2018-10-09 08:48:00 469-771-xxxx Walk a FUCKING MILE in MY shoes with my torturous thoughts missing the ONLY baby I've ever known in MY body
2018-10-09 08:48:58 469-771-xxxx Work your ass off for years with nothing to show for it You don't know me and likewise with you So you can shove these therapy texts up your hairy ass
2018-10-09 08:52:25 469-771-xxxx The thing is EVERYONE is mean.
2018-10-09 08:52:57 469-771-xxxx Everyone has mean tendencies and motives AT TIMES BUT it doesn't define who the fuck they are deep down.
2018-10-09 08:54:23 469-771-xxxx I've respected and cared for everyone else for SO long that now that it's time that I NEED somebody just to see how bad I'm hurting to be emotionally invested and concerned for me. It's easier to give people advice rather than be the one to take it
2018-10-09 08:54:39 469-771-xxxx You can kiss my ass
2018-10-09 08:55:07 469-771-xxxx I don't want a stranger to talk to me sometimes
2018-10-09 08:55:20 469-771-xxxx Sometimes I want somebody that claims to love me or care
2018-10-09 08:55:42 469-771-xxxx But the only ones who did are dead and my baby died whom would've given me so much joy
2018-10-09 08:57:23 469-771-xxxx But the father of my dead "not real" baby claims it wasn't a real baby because it was ectopic and they just want me to shut up about it MIND you my boyfriends sister in law had her baby THE SAME TIME I was supposed to have mine
2018-10-09 08:58:20 469-771-xxxx I can say whatever I damn well please
2018-10-09 08:58:50 469-771-xxxx Why don't you have YOUR baby die and have the father and family of the baby say it's not real BE HAPPY!!!!!
2018-10-09 08:59:20 469-771-xxxx Mind you I lost 50% of my fertility in the process
2018-10-09 08:59:43 469-771-xxxx My dad fucks his asshole with dildos That's why I refuse to go home to "daddy" My mom is a pill head
2018-10-09 09:00:15 469-771-xxxx Before you start judging people like your G-d And pointing your fingers Make sure your hands are clean how
2018-10-09 09:00:59 469-771-xxxx Eliana
2018-10-09 09:01:01 469-771-xxxx Stop
2018-10-09 09:01:25 469-771-xxxx Nobody is here for me now So might as well make people feel like shit the way I do
2018-10-09 09:02:11 469-771-xxxx You don't know what the fuck I've been through or how I got here so you can jog on
2018-10-09 09:27:37 469-771-xxxx Oh and you're welcome for the gifts. I genuinely was excited to spoil you and tiny baby with something nice because you deserved it. I didn't expect a thank you - you just using he blanket and onesies was MORE THAN enough in thank yous.
2018-10-09 09:31:09 469-771-xxxx I never meant to take anything out on you or the family or Dean Does anybody when they're upset? No.
2018-10-09 09:33:01 469-771-xxxx I just thought that "families" stick together through the good, bad, and the ugly. But looking at Deans parents - your back ground - my background......what the fuck is a "normal family"? Because none of us seem to know
2018-10-09 09:38:50 469-771-xxxx I'm sorry for anything and everything I've said to hurt you and the family I would say this to your face (ask Dean) I'm NOT a texter when it comes to important matters like this but since I have your attention I apologize for everything.